ACC Therapy for Sensitive Claims
The lasting impacts of sexual abuse and trauma might include depression, anxiety, sexual difficulties, PTSD, outbursts of anger for no good reason, relationship difficulties, lack of assertiveness, low self-esteem, eating disorders, body image struggles, and many other disturbances. Everybody has a different response to the sexual abuse they suffered. You might have difficulty trusting people, abuse drugs or alcohol, have nightmares or flashbacks, have relationship problems, or just feel unsafe. if you are unsure whether you meet ACC criteria talk to an ACC counsellor about your situation.
We understand the courage it takes to reach out for help and healing.
Who is eligible?
Free counselling is provided by all our registered ACC therapists and is available for any adult or child who has experienced sexual violence in New Zealand, and in some cases, NZ residents who experience sexual violence overseas. The sexual events may have occurred many years ago or more recently. Sexual violence includes most forms of sexual violation, rape, unwanted sexual contact, or indecent assault on an adult, and ALL sexual contact with children. It doesn't matter how long ago it happened, ACC will support you when you are ready. You DO NOT have to report the event to the Police to get counselling from ACC for sexual violence.
Group Therapy
Ta Moko Services currently offers Trauma Informed Yoga and Coping Skills groups in Whangarei for ACC Sensitive Claims clients. These groups are facilitated by ACC therapists and co-facilitated by an appropriately trained and qualified instructor. Group therapy is fully funded for those clients who have an accepted claim with ACC. Please speak with your therapist to find out if you are eligible.
We understand the courage it takes to reach out for help and healing.
Who is eligible?
Free counselling is provided by all our registered ACC therapists and is available for any adult or child who has experienced sexual violence in New Zealand, and in some cases, NZ residents who experience sexual violence overseas. The sexual events may have occurred many years ago or more recently. Sexual violence includes most forms of sexual violation, rape, unwanted sexual contact, or indecent assault on an adult, and ALL sexual contact with children. It doesn't matter how long ago it happened, ACC will support you when you are ready. You DO NOT have to report the event to the Police to get counselling from ACC for sexual violence.
Group Therapy
Ta Moko Services currently offers Trauma Informed Yoga and Coping Skills groups in Whangarei for ACC Sensitive Claims clients. These groups are facilitated by ACC therapists and co-facilitated by an appropriately trained and qualified instructor. Group therapy is fully funded for those clients who have an accepted claim with ACC. Please speak with your therapist to find out if you are eligible.
ACC Therapy for Physical Injury
In New Zealand ACC offers support for all physical injuries. This includes psychological services and support to cope with the mental health difficulties which may have developed as a result of a physical injury. For example, you may have been involved in a serious car accident and have developed nightmares about what happened or you may feel too anxious to drive again. Ask your doctor or medical centre to help you access ACC support. You can find out more about what ACC provides for physical injuries at
For further information on the above services, visit the ACC website -
For further information on the above services, visit the ACC website -